Sunday, June 15, 2008

Market / Brunch

Ah, this almost makes it OK to be back from Paris - The Logan Square Farmer's Market. It is so nice to be able to walk to a Farmer's Market & with all of the awful spinach & tomatoes with E-Coli & what not from the industrial farm machine it is even more important to know where your food comes from. Buying food from local farmers also helps eliminate a lot of carbon emissions that come along with shipping food from California or Chile. But most important is the taste, the less time the food is out of the ground before it hits your tongue the better its flavor. The season is still young, but there were a plethora of deliciousness to choose from. I found the springtime treat, Kohlrabi (almost like a mix in flavor between a turnip & cabbage), some extremely flavorful Arugula, bright and juicy Strawberries as well as plenty of herbs, heirloom lettuce & even some Garlic Scapes. I also picked up some farm-fresh organic eggs, a loaf of locally baked multigrain bread (from golden rise bakery) & a bouquet of flowers for my wife - who was a little below the weather this morning.
When I returned, I made myself a little Farmer's Market Brunch of Fried Farm-fresh Eggs with Gravlax (salt-cured salmon), Toast & a Strawberry - Arugula Salad. I am so glad summer & its fresh vegetables has returned to my hood.

1 comment:

j martins said...

I navigated here from your email about the dumpster for the condo. Looks delicious! Not only are you a Miles Davis fan, but a serious foodie. We need to hang out.
I was in a hurry after the last meeting, and I'm working nights (as a chef's assistant at the Chopping Block), but I'll give you a holler later on.
-Jordan, Neighbor to the north